Connected Treatment SKINTEX®LAB Affinium Slimness Body

The power of an instrumental treatment for a slimming efficacy and refined figure from 20 min.

Specific treatment for targeted area: arms - stomach - thighs.

I have: cellulite, local curves, orange-peel skin

I want: to reduce my cellulite, refine my body figure

Ella Perfect skin preparation
PERFECT RESURFACING with probiotics for a refined skin texture, smoothed imperfections increasing the skin's receptivity to the treatment.

Infusion of active ingredients
NUTRIDERMOLOGIE® INFUSION + DELIPIZONE with Magistral Serum DELIPIDEX 7,1%, smoothing concentrate for orange-peel skin and cellulite.

Expert option for the legs
BODY DRAIN for an instant light legs effect.


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Connected Treatment SKINTEX®LAB  Affinium Slimness Body